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Reborngamers Clan – Clash of Clans

Reborngamers Clan - Clash of Clans

Reborngamers Clan - Clash of Clans

Reborngamers Clan - Clash of Clans

Clan Name: RebornGamers

Clan Medal: Gold III

Clan Total Points: 30000 in both versions

Clan Language: English(Basic)

Leader: JayBattle

Join us and be Reborn

If you are reading this you might have joined our Clan or are thinking of joining our Clan.

Before we discuss why our Clan is very active and Competitive. Let's discuss some Basics. 

Our Objective:

Reborngamers is a clan in Clash on Clans that is based in India. Our Objective is to become a Competitive Clan in the game. We need players who are daily active.  Players must join in each and every Clan war to rank up the Clan. 

Currently, we are in Gold Tier III and we are Level 7 Clan. We would like the Clan to advance quickly both in Rank and Medals.

Who do we want in our Clan?:

If you are a player who is active daily and wants to be a part of the Clan that will support you. Please join us. We will support you.

We accept nearly all medal players. We want our players to rank up quickly and ranked players must help other players in any way possible. We want players to stay in the clan and become a vital part of the Clan. We don't want players to leave the clan. 

Players who are daily active, Donate Troops and Help other players are most welcome in our clan. 

Clan Wars & Clan League:

Players who use both their attacks in all Clan Wars will be definitely included in all league matches. We want players to take part in all Clan wars and help the Clan win. If there are more than 30 players who are active in Clan Wars. Everyone who is active will be given a part to play in the Clan League. 

After a Clan league, the top Scores of the League will be rewarded. In Some instances, players who have contributed so much for the Clan will be considered and they will be rewarded as well. 

So Rewarding a player who Contributes and Gains top scores will be definitely rewarded. 

Clan Games:

We would like the players to take the challenges and Complete them. After all, the player will be rewarded if you earn more points for the Clan. Higher ranked Players must take up the hardest challenges. But everyone should participate and earn points for the Clan and for Themselves. 

Now to the hardest part:

Kicking out players is not what we would like to do. We hate kicking out players. But players who are not active for 5 days will be kicked out. Players who request troops and do not donate or help others will be kicked out. Players who don't use both their attacks in Clan Wars will be kicked out. 

You don't ask to be promoted. We will promote you if you have contributed enough. 

Players will be only promoted to Elder and Not to Co-Leader. 

A Story to laugh:

There is a story here. Once we had a Player who was active, Donated troops and participated in Clan Wars. So we promoted him to Co-Leader and there were 4 Co-leaders. He did his part and the clan rewarded him.

After a league match, we did not reward him with League Points. There were players who did well in the league and has Contributed and were new to the Clan. So we decided to award those Players. 

He was so angry he started sending aggressive messages in the Clan Chat. Then we explained why he was not rewarded. But he decided to leave the Clan. He was angry and we didn't know it. 

So he decided to go Full Rambo against the Clan. He was the Co-Leader. So he Kicked out all the players, but he cannot kick out the Co-Leaders. Players who were with us for so long were kicked out. Then he left the Clan. LOL. 

After logging into the game we were shocked to see only 5 players in the Clan. The Players who were with us didn't know why they got kicked out and decided to join other clans. We had to invite them back and explain to them one by one what had happened. Eventually, all the Old Players joined us again. We are not blaming anyone here.

If you are a Rage Quitter then we have an article:

As a result, we decided not to appoint any player as Co-Leader. You will be promoted to Elder and your efforts will be rewarded through League Points. 

Finally some rules:

Don't be toxic. No Racism. Please be talkative. We welcome it. Players should use both their attacks in Clan Wars. You can attack enemy bases that are five ranks below or above you. We hate players who attack the low tier enemies' bases. It spoils the game for our Low Tier base players. Please Don't do that. You will be warned in the Clan chat and if you don't listen we will kick you out. 

Try to gain more Points in Clan Games. Please be active daily. Just check in with the clan every day. 

We will have continuous Clan wars. So please participate. If you don't want to be a part of the Clan war you can Opt-out and still be in the clan. You can contribute more to players and level up. 

Join us. Stay with Us. We would like to be part of our clan which will always be active and competitive. After all, it's a game and we want you to enjoy the Game with us. 

Be a Reborngamer.

We would also like to Update the current players on this Page. 

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