Ultimate Battle

Ultimate Battle :

It conducts online tournaments in India. Some tournaments are free to register and some have registration fee like 150 INR to 250 INR to register. The registration fee may differ with the prize pool, it also has a prize coins system. It conducts open league and fixed bracket tournaments.

The gaming titles for competitions are Dota2, CSGo, Fifa 16,17 and 18, Call Of Duty Bo3, AW

OPEN LEAGUE Tournaments

DOTA 2 1v1 Tournament (Free) 22nd January 2018

Prize: 2500 coins

Registration Fee: Free

DOTA 2 5v5 Tournament 23 rd January 2018

Prize: 2500 coins

Registration fee: Free

CS GO 1v1 Tournament 29 th January 2018

Prize: INR 1500

Registration Fee: INR 150 Or 750 Coins

DOTA 2 5v5 Tournament 31 st January 2018

Prize: INR 2500

Registration Fee: INR 250 or 1250 coins

Fixed Bracket Tournaments 

Register here: https://www.ultimatebattle.in/