Top 10 Support Heroes Dota 2
Players often choose to play carry roles. But everybody will agree that a support role is the most important role in dota2. The support hero is the one who lets the carry farm, buys courier and wards and plants them in appropriate positions on the map. They are the ones who support the team to the maximum, and they are the ones who are underappreciated in the whole world of dota2. Let's take a look at the best of these amazing heroes in dota2. This list is based on current meta, their win rate, Pro, and pub picks. Opinions will differ as this list is only our suggestion.
Last Update on 01-6-2020
Upcoming Heroes :
Jakiro, Crystal Maiden, Shadow Demon
10. Keeper Of The Light:
The Gandalf of dota2 Kotl has become awesome support with the recent tweaks. Changes to his ultimate make him even more efficient in team fights. The first ability remains the same illuminate which does 500 damage when channelled to the maximum.No other support has this amount of damage so early in the game. It's great to harass the enemy carry from farming early game. But be sure to not to push the lane with this ability. Blinding light has knockbacks the enemy and also makes them miss their hits. His 3rd ability enables him to replenish mana to his allies. His ultimate has been completely changed which makes him great in crowd control. Will-O-Wisp causes the enemies to be hypnotized for 1.3 Seconds with a flicker count of 4 to 6. This is very good in team fights from early game to late game. An upgrade to Kotl first ability by purchasing an Aghnms Scepter is very useful as it can damage the enemies and also Heal your allies,
Favourite Items:
Ghost Scepter, Aghanims Scepter, Force staff.
Counter Kotl:
Heroes like Anti-mage and Huskar can quickly close the gap between kotl and kill him easily. Lifestealer and Juggernaut who has abilities to be immune to magic can easily kill Kotl if they can reach him. Lifestealer can use open wounds on Kotl to make him slow as his movement speed is pretty decent compared to all supports. Always make sure that you shut down Kotl from using his abilities. Try to kill him first as he can make a huge difference in team fights.
9. Winter Wyvern
Winter Wyvern has become very effective support and highly picked supports nowadays. Winters primary attribute is crowd control. Very good and effective in team fights. Abilities of winter are really amazing. Winter can heal her allies when in a tight spot. Her ultimate makes the enemies attack their ally for a long duration, mostly it does huge damage to the target or most likely kill the target without her enemies not even casting a spell. It's an awesome ability. It can be used to initiate a team fight or can be also used as a retreat option. Amazing support to pick in this meta. Winter is a real enemy to heroes like meepo or Beastmaster.
Favourite Items :
Guardian Greeves, Force staff, Glimmer Cape
Counter Winter Wyvern :
Magical nuke heroes like Invoker and Tinker are very good against Winter. Cold Embrace holds the target in one place so its easier for heroes to cast their high damage spells on the target. Omni knights ultimate is the perfect way to counter Winter's Curse and all damage done will be physical, it lets his team to survive the duration of the spell.
8. Dazzle:
Dazzle is one of the supports who has received a lot of tweaks in this patch. His first ability Poison Touch can slow enemies and deals a lot of damage early game. When Maxed this ability delivers 50 damage per second for a total of 6 seconds to multiple targets. His second Ability Shallow grave is great in team fights protecting an ally who is close to death. Shadow wave his third ability heals the ally but also damages enemies who are near. The last skill they changed was his ultimate which now reduces armour when he casts a spell. We can see a lot of picks in both Pubs and Pro scenes of this support.
Favourite Items:
Medallion of Courage, Urn of Shadows, Force Staff
Counter Dazzle:
Heroes like juggernaut and Lifestealer can quickly close the gap to dazzle as they have magic immune abilities themselves. Quickly reach dazzle and try to kill him in team fights. Axe is the only hero in the game who can counter dazzle's Shallow Grave. Axe's ultimate can instantly kill the enemy under the protection of Shallow Grave. Apart from that, you have to kill the enemy when the Ability ends there is no other way. Heroes like silencer are a great counter to dazzle as he cannot cast spells when Global Silence is active. In team fights try to silence or disable dazzle first, then try to kill him first.
7. Shadow Shaman:
"For the ancestors." Shadow Shaman has always been a great support. His abilities to disable the enemy has no match. He is great at pushing lanes or defending the towers. Rhasta's first ability Ether shock is great in pushing the lanes. It can also be used as a nuke in the early game against the enemy. His Second ability Hex is a disable ability as the enemy will not be able to use their abilities or attack. Shackles is his third ability which binds the enemy unit, the enemy can't move or attack for the channelled duration of the spell. His ultimate is Mss Serpent wards which summons 10 Serpent wards which can attack Enemies or structures. His ultimate is great for the siege of the enemy towers and it can be used as a Defense if the enemy is pushing your lanes. Rhasta is great team fights.
Favourite Items:
Blink Dagger, Aghanims Scepter, Refresher Orb
Counter Shadow Shaman:
Heroes like Riki, Silencer are very effective against SS. They can silence him so he can't use his abilities. Strength heroes like Legion, Axe, and Pudge can be effective against SS. Legion can duel Ss so he can't use his abilities to disable the enemy heroes. When in Team fights try to kill SS early so he can't be a nuisance by using his abilities in the backlines. Items Such as Linken's Sphere and Force staff are very useful if you are against an Enemy Shadow shaman.
6. Earth Shaker :
The best effective crowd control hero in dota2 right now. Es has always been the favourite hero of many players. He lost his way in recent patches, but folks he his back with his Echo slam. Most picked support hero in Ti8, many teams rushed to get this hero. Area of effect is Es specialty. He can stun Multiple enemies with his first skill Fissure. The second skill can also mini stun and give him a boost in damage. His 3rd skill is the effect of the crowd control. Finally, his Ultimate can stun and do huge damage if many enemies are nearby. One echo may win your team a team fight if you time it right. He's great against heroes like PL, CK and Meepo.
Favourite Items:
Blink Dagger, Euls Scepter, Force staff
Counter Es :
The Primary thing to avoid a perfect Echo slam is to not to group up as a team. Just stay a little further from each other while approaching a tower or enemy base. In team, fights try to kill Es first before he can initiate on you and deliver his destructive spells. Heroes like spectre are good in this as Es cant blink when spectre's illusions follow him. Whatever hero you pick just don't let him initiate kill him first.
5. Ogre Magi:
The tank of the supports. Ogre's health Pool enables to survive longer in team fights. He can act as a Frontline support because of his abilities and health pool. He is very good in ganking and its hard to takedown a ogre early game. His First skill enables him stun a enemy and does moderate damage to the enemy. His Second ability allows him to drench a enemy unit with volatile chemicals the enemy takes a lot of damage in early game and the unit is slowed. Harassing the enemy carry with this skill is so effective. Bloodlust enables to buff an ally unit with movement speed and attack speed which is more useful in team fights. His ultimate is a passive one which enables him cast his items and abilities multiple times. Ogre is Great in team fights as he can be a frontliner and also buff his allies. Hand of Midas is a Popular item now for Ogre.
Favourite Items:
Guardian greeves, Aghanims Scepter , Force staff
Counter Ogre:
All Illusion based heroes are great against ogre as he would have a Tough time to figure out the real enemy. Heroes like Juggernaut and Lifestealer are immune to ogre abilities as they have magic resistance abilites. Items like Black King bar and Pipe f Insight are great items against Ogre magi as his abilities are all magical. Doom is a great hero to shutdown ogre in team fights as he would be unable to use his abilities. Support heroes like Omni Knight and Oracle are good against this tank support.
4. Earth Spirit
Earth spirit has turned out to BE an effective support hero. He is a great ganker. His skills allow him to be more agile support hero in the game. He is a nightmare for the enemy mid heroes and he can quickly cover ground using his ability Rolling Boulder. He can save an ally or even distance himself from an enemy with his Boulder Smash. He can silence his enemies with Geo Magnetic grip and his ultimate does decent damage to his enemies. The most important aspect of earth Spirit is his ganking abilities.
Favourite Items :
Urn of shadows, Blink Dagger, Force Staff
Counter-Earth Spirit:
Get a BKB and a pipe best possible way to counter Earth spirit. His skills and damages are purely magical. So he can't do much against you. Lockdown heroes like Legion commander makes impossible for earth Spirit to cast his spells. Heroes like Lycan can easily rundown Earth spirit making escape impossible for earth spirit. As a mid player, you must be always aware there's earth Spirit on the enemy team. BE always on the lookout for a gank. Its impossible to place wards all around mid. So always be extra careful when playing against him.
Grimstroke is a offensive support and also a nuker. Right now this support is the favorite pick in the Pro Scene. His first ability Stroke of fate does a decent amount of damage and also slows his enemies. Phantom's Embrace will summon a phantom which will latch on an enemy for a specific time and will return to grim stroke dealing damage to the enemy and refreshing his abilities. Ink Swell his third ability will enable him to shroud an allied unit which will increase the ally movement speed if there are enemies near the ally unit they will be stunned after it triggers. His ultimate will bind two enemies preventing them from moving away. Any ability which is cast on the enemy will also be received to the other unit. The ability to silence, stun and to control the enemy Grimstroke is great in team fights.
Favourite Items :
Ghost Scepter, Euls Scepter of Divinity, Urn of shadows.
Counter Grim stroke:
Sniper is a great Counter pick for Grim stroke as he can stay afar and kill Grimstroke easily. He can also easily kill the phantoms which is attacking his enemies. Heroes like Silencer and Riki are very effective against this hero as they can silence him before he can cast his spells. Rubick is also a counter as he can steal Grim Strokes powerful spells. Anti-mage with Counterspell ability is also useful. Black King Bar is a very useful item as this hero abilities are all Magical. Lotus orb is also a good item to counter grim stroke.
2. Warlock :
Warlock is the best support after a long time on the sidelines. Winning Team fights is the primary concern for Warlock. He is the best support when it comes to team fights and helping his team. His first abilty Fatal bonds is very useful in damaging many enemies when cast. His second skill can damage an enemy or can heal an ally when required. Upheaval is the Third skill which allows Warlock to Slow his enemies in team fights. His Ultimate Chaotic offering when cast will stun enemies in an AOE and will spawn a golem. This hero is also useful in pushing towers. His talent tree is so powerful in the current meta. A warlock with an Aghanims Scepter and Refresher Orb is very powerful on his own.
Favourite Items:
Arcane Boots, Mekansm Aghanims Scepter, Refresher Orb.
Counter Warlock:
Escape Heroes Like Anti-mage or Weaver can escape from him if he uses his ultimate. The heroes who can silence Warlock are also good. Heroes like Phantom Assassin can quickly close the gap on warlock and kill him easily. In team fights try to silence him and kill him quickly before he can cast his spells. Ursa can shred the golem with his fury strikes easily. The only item which can be used against Warlock is Orchid when silenced with this item warlock can't do much. Find him and Kill him quickly in team fights.
1. Rubick
Rubick is the most played support, and in this meta, he is powerful. His skills are basically build to gank the enemy often. His awesome ultimate which steals spells from the enemy heroes can quickly turn the tide of a team fight. He is the best weapon in the arsenal of a skilled player. His first skill allows him to disable the enemy and also stun multiple enemies. Fade Bolt is very effective if the enemy team has less magic resistance. The ability to cast the spells stolen from an enemy carry makes Rubick really awesome and very fun to play.
Favourite Items :
Blink Dagger, Euls of Divinity, Glimmer Cape
Counter Rubick :
If you see an enemy Rubick in a draft, Try to go pick heroes who are fewer spellcasters. Heroes like legion Commander is great against Rubick as he cant do anything with the stolen Spells. Heroes like Slark can easily kill Rubick with his ultimate. Invisible heroes like Riki and Clinkz are so effective against Rubick. Always be sure to cast a lesser damage skill after you have cast a high damage skill in team fights. Don't allow Rubick to steal your high damage skills so he can dictate terms in a team fight.
Heroes and their Previous Positions:
10. Witch Doctor
"Feelin Good Maan"Our favourite support hero. Witch Doctor is the best. They have nerfed his ultimate so badly we cant get rampages now. But still, he is quite effective. He can stun multiple enemies, he can heal your allies. His 3rd skill allows him to do huge magic damage early game. His destructive ultimate is really awesome. No other support hero in dota2 can ditch damage like Witch Doctor. He is great in ganking enemies and his ultimate is very useful in a team fight, with his bouncing casks stunning multiple enemies. His ultimate does pure physical damage to the enemies where most support heroes have magic damage. So BKB is not that quite effective against him but can save you from the Paralyzing cask.
Favourite Items :
Urn of Shadows, Glimmer Cape, Aghanims Scepter
Counter Witch Doctor:
Move away from our ally if he has cast the cask, It will keep bouncing in between you and your ally if you don't do it. His ultimate is a channeled spell he has to stay in one location, so quickly silence him or disable him before his ultimate does its damage. Preferably try to kill him first in team fights so he can't heal his allies or cast his spells which can turn deadly to you. Heroes like Riki and silencer are great against Witch Doctor, and void can lockdown witch doctor from casting his spells.
2. Lich
Lich has been tweaked in this patch which puts him in the top 3. His abilities have been improved and changed which makes him so effective in team fights. The first skill remains the same. But the Second skill Frost Shield now reduces damage and also slows the enemy and does Minor damage to the enemy. His Third Skill Sinister Gaze is very good in Team fights. Lich has a very good Ultimate when it comes to team fights. Chain Frost is so effective when the Enemy team is grouped together. Lich is very good against Enemies with illusions. Heroes like Meepo, Phantom Lancer or Chaos Knight suffer greatly in Lich's Ultimate.
Favourite Items :
Euls Scepter of Divinity, Glimmer Cape, Mekanism
Counter Elder Titan:
Heroes like Anti mage and Huskar are great against Lich. Anti- Mage has a Spell block ability and can escape the ultimate of lich by just blinking away from it. Huskar has very high Magic Resistance which makes Lich's Ultimate or his spells in-Effective. Items like Blademail are very effective against Lich's Ultimate as it can Return the damage to lich. Pipe of Insight is a great item to get if you see an enemy Lich. When you see Lich Ultimate try to move away from your allies.
8. Vengeful Spirit
Apart from the aura damage, she provides to her allies. If you kill her or her allies there are illusions chasing you which does 100% damage. That makes Vengeful spirit really powerful in this meta. She can stun an enemy for high damage. Her 2nd skill reduces enemy armour which deals decent damage. Her ultimate is great in starting a Team fight. Escape from Vs is nearly impossible as she can swap places with you, and you find yourself surrounded by enemies. Late game she is capable of doing some serious damage if she gets some items. She can transform herself into a carry.
Favourite Items :
Force Staff, Solar Crest
Counter Vengeful Spirit:
Tidehunter is an awesome counter to VS. If she swaps places with tide he can easily stun her allies with his ultimate. Heroes with illusions like Phantom lancer is very good against Vs as she will have a hard time to pick her target whether its a swap or to stun. Some items are the best way to counter Vs. Items like Linken's sphere can stop her ultimate. Silver edge will disable her passive abilities.
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Lion is best if you know how to play that player. Check out the link in title how Lion can be played in safelane for best support in early game.
Winter,rubick & earth are the top 3 best here
Rubick and Earth are there in the top 3 dude. Just winter left out.