God of War Review

God Of War 2018

Action Adventure

Reborngamers Ratings: 

Highly Recommended

Metacritic: 94

IMDB: 9.8

IGN: 10

Review By: Guru Sane

God Of War Review :

God Of War 2018 is an action-adventure game published by Sony Interactive Entertainment and developed by Santa Monica Studios.

Reborngamers Review :

God of war is a game that leaves you with an awesome and mind-blowing experience by the time you finish it. This is a game emotionally driven that gradually builds a strong relationship between father & son. Many seem to compare this with "The Last of Us" & I should say they are not wrong in a positive way, as this game will deliver that same strong emotional journey in an absolutely amazing God of war way.

I have played all the GOW games and I had my doubts when I started this game because the fighting system with an axe seemed new and the skill progression system like RPG games was a new thing to GOW series. I imagined to be difficult to play all the game with an axe, but boy I liked the axe so much, that I ended up using it most of the time ignoring other weapons.

As I am a fan of the series, I was determined to play it, no matter the consequences of me liking it or not. The previous GOW titles were fairly 10 to 12 hours long and felt awesome even with such short length. But this game was made, keeping in mind the new trend in the gaming industry for lengthy games and designed with various RPG elements to improve skills, weapons, armor, bestiary etc. After almost more than 30 hours into the game, I still have the feeling to play more & want more.

GOW was the first game on my PS2. GOW3 was the first game on my PS3. This is a game known to many non-gamers as well. Whenever I share my experience of my gaming with noobs& non-gamers, the first question I get from them is "Did you play God of war?"

Let's analyze the game with more depth. Starting with the Story of the game.

Santa Monica Studio always had a great immersive way of storytelling. This title does not disappoint you in any way in terms of storytelling. With no spoilers, it's a story about taking the ashes of a wife/mother to a place she wished before her death. The journey that this father & son take from here brings you an incredible experience. Throughout your path, you meet different people, learn different things and learn more about Norse mythology.

By the time you are done with the game, you will understand how a Spartan/Kratos from Greek mythology fits into this Norse mythology. There are some parts & pieces left out without proper explanation, like how is Kratos alive after GOW 3. But these kinds of things are left to our imagination, and boy, people may come up with their own theories and you can google about the same. Be careful not to get into spoilers of the story while googling J

Next, we will speak about the combat system. The combat is a bit different in this one compared to previous GOW titles. The previous GOW titles featured a pure hack & slash combat mechanics and the upgrade was only possible with the collection of red orbs. But this new game features many new aspects to craft, upgrade, replace etc. When we visit a workshop, we can craft the weapons or armor we wish, provided we have enough money or resources required to craft that item. We can upgrade the strength, damage & stun capabilities of the weapons we have. Like magical capabilities in previous GOW titles, this one has "Heavy runic attack", "Light runic attack" & "Talisman".

Throughout the game, we are provided with different kind of these magical attacks, which can always be replaced with newer and powerful versions as we go more deeply into the game. Again each magical attack can be enhanced with enhancements that are spanned out all over the game. Enhancements can also be crafted at the workshop.To summarize, the combat mechanics & design have been vastly improved. My Kratos will be different from the Kratos you play, due to the difference in configuration of runic attacks, talisman etc

Santa Monica studio has a devoted commitment to always deliver the best visual themes in GOW series. Graphics in this game are awesome. The textures are very clear the detail put in each area is subpar. For any fast combat paced game, fps is very important. If there is any lag in fps, the combat feels sluggish and we lose the immersion. Even though this game runs at 30 fps, it is strictly locked to that fps, without us feeling the fps lag during combat.

The music & voice acting are amazing. I constantly find myself repeating the phrase in Kratos voice - "Boy, what are you doing". The music during combat is very good and you feel it very right as per the situation.

After playing Witcher 2 & 3, Final Fantasy 15 etc, I have got more accustomed to playing and liking RPG games. I like the progression system in RPG games and the more time we spend on learning & developing the character, the more better the game plays. This game adopts the RPG elements allowing us to level up Kratos and enhance our weapons & armor. So the Kratos from different gamers feels different and plays differently.

There are many side quests offered in this game. The more you explore these quests, the more items you find to enhance Kratos. A couple of the areas are visible but locked. Such areas are accessible after you complete some amount of the main story. Also, new areas seem to open up as the main story passes. We can take our time to explore as much as we can and upgrade Kratos with the rewards found from these optional quests.

The game also offers endgame content. You are free to roam after the main story is complete to explore further, which I have yet to do. Valkyries – a unique kind of enemies are end game content. When I first had a chance to fight Valkyrie, I did not realize how powerful these are. I tried to fight for more than 30 minutes and then realized that these are not meant to beat mid game.

The game absolutely has very good replay value. The narrative is amazingly told and story alone makes it worth playing again. Since this game has RPG elements, it is nice to see how we can upgrade our Kratos in our next play through and beat the game with different options. It is also nice to explore everything before completing the game, instead of exploring as end game content, since gamers tend to lose interest in end game content, no matter how amazing the game is.

I have heard that there is going to be a patch released sooner with "New game +" option. If this is a confirmed news, then "New game +" will be a blast to play.

Verdict :

What are you waiting for? This is one of those absolutely must play games which is worth every penny you spend on the game. This is one of those games, which you keep in your games collection as a classic one. Hell, this game should be the reason for any gamer to buy a PS4.


Absolutely Stunning

Amazing Gameplay

Emotional father and Son tale

Excellent Combat System

Fantastic Midgard and Awesome Kratos


Minor Final Boss fight

Watch The trailer 

Release Info:

Initial release date: 20 April 2018
Series: God of War
Designer: Cory Barlog
Developer: SIE Santa Monica Studio
Platform: PlayStation 4


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